Countering fast fashion: Swapping is not just sustainable – it is a lifestyle
For Kristyna Holubova and Lucie Poubova swapping upcycling clothes is the most normal thing in the world. The founders of the NGO SWAP Prague want to bring their lifestyle to a wider audience by organizing the biggest swap mall – not just in Prague, but in the world. To reach people outside the typical bubbles, they bring it upon themselves to advertise their event with the – in their opinion – overused term “sustainable”. Krystina says that sustainability for her “equals life and future”. She doesn’t like that the word mostly brands new products of top-notch brands. “I don’t like these labels, but we live in a world where we have to market everything, so we market what we do as sustainable. For us it’s the most normal lifestyle though.”
The swap mall opens its doors from 9am to 7pm everyday until the 24th of October.