Hidden Gems of Prague: Waltrovka
By Petra Miková This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková.
Více...By Petra Miková This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková.
Více...This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková. By Eva Janoušková
Více...This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková. By Ondřej Groh
Více...Letní semestr již začal. Studentky a studenti rozhlasové specializace byli v tom zimním pracovití. Připravili hned dvě závěrečné relace: vánoční,
Více...As new and more advanced digital cameras enter the market, more people, especially young photo enthusiasts are turning towards film
Více...This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková. / Práce vznikla v
Více...This recording was created as part of an assignment for the English for Journalists course, led by Mgr. Alena Prošková. / Práce vznikla v
Více...Práce vznikla v rámci kurzu Angličtina pro žurnalisty pod vedením Mgr. Aleny Proškové. / This recording was created as part of an assignment for
Více...Práce vznikla v rámci kurzu Angličtina pro žurnalisty pod vedením Mgr. Aleny Proškové. / This recording was created as part of an assignment for
Více...Práce vznikla v rámci kurzu Angličtina pro žurnalisty pod vedením Mgr. Aleny Proškové. / This recording was created as part of an assignment for